Friday, April 15, 2011

Field Trip Report: Animal Totem & Flute Circle Workshop with Arvel Bird

Please note: We will not be holding our usual meeting this month, April, and we will resume our regular meeting next month in May!

We had a great time with Arvel Bird at his Animal Totem and Flute Circle Workshop last evening. Alice, Sean, Ken, and I attended, and there were about 30 people participating. The range of people's experience with the Native American flute seemed consistent with many flute circles, from true beginners who had never played, to those with years of enjoying the flute.

It was a simultaneously amusing and amazing experience as we all learned to play a song together, with the fusion of multiple different keys.

Arvel Bird invited a few of us to improvise with him. First Ken and Arvel played a duet, with Ken using his self-made G minor flute. Then I got to improvise with Arvel using my Woodland Voices Colyn Petersen E flat minor flute. It was an awesome experience. I made music with Arvel Bird!

Everyone who attended was invited to continue to experience the magic of the Native American flute at our Finger Lakes Flute Circle meetings, especially beginners, even if they don't own a flute, because we have beginner flutes and instruction books.

Email us at the Contact Us address listed at the bottom of the sidebar on the right, to be added to the mail list for meeting reminders and updates.

Please attend Arvel Bird's concert, "Arvel Bird Returns!" this Sunday, April 17, 2011, 3 p.m. at the Hochstein. Details are in the March 15 posting.

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